Weariness has tried to become a constant companion. The thought of everyday tasks had been eliciting cries from me for help, “Lord, give me strength.” But before I had uttered any of those unsophisticated prayers of exasperation, God knew my need. In His kindness, He answered my simple prayers by giving me grace to meet the daily duties, but He was waiting for an opening so He could address the root of my fatigue.
I feel this is a word that carries great weight and counsel in this season, "Do whatever he tells you."
We can look at situations in scripture where Jesus instructed people to do certain things, and as a result of their obedience, they received their healing. [Matthew 12:13; John 5:8,9; John 4:50; Matthew 9:29]
The Christian cannot afford to carry hatred in his/her heart toward any person regardless of whether deserved or not. If you are affiliated to a political party more than the “Kingdom of God’, you will be also be tainted in your vision of what God is doing. Outside of God, there is no “goodness” in man that can be accepted outside of the blood of Jesus Christ.
I am so grateful for the many prophetic voices God has given us at Cornerstone. The Lord reminds us of the importance of the “prophets” in Amos 3:7 (NASB)
“Certainly the Lord GOD does nothing Unless He reveals His secret plan To His servants the prophets.”
and Proverbs 28:18 (ESV)
“Where there is no prophetic vision the people cast off restraint, but blessed is he who keeps the law.”
The prophetic lets the people know that God has a purpose for what is going in their daily Iives. It lets us know that God is not somewhere in the galaxies but is intimately involved with us.
This statement from the title was a constant saying of my dear friend, Pastor Richard Dyson who has been with the Lord now for the past several years. Pastor Dyson was an African/American Pastor who ministered in Brunswick, Md for years. He was such an example of one having hunger and passion for the Lord. He was a constant on WJTM’s prayer line when I managed the radio station.
WOW! What an incredible couple of weeks; talk about a range and swing of emotions. It’s in times like these that we need to lean on the Lord and “learn of him.” Isaiah said this through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Isaiah 55:8-11 (ESV)
On this week’s blog, I am listing three prophetic words and insights that were given to the Cornerstone congregation over the last couple of weeks. The Holy Spirit is the originator of these “Rhema” words but the vessels He chose to speak through are Charlene Miller, Bonnie Frey, and Garth Fazio. Thank you for your faithfulness and encouragement to the body of Christ.
Preface: When we were worshipping in church this morning, we were singing the song “Dry Bones”, written by our worship leader Nick Frey, which is based on Ezekiel chapter 37. I felt compelled by the Holy Spirit to write a prophecy to the church as I was receiving revelation for the coming new year, which I wrote during worship and shared afterward. Cornerstone, this is the year in 2021…
I feel the Spirit of the Lord telling me to tell you:
There is a reason to have joy at this moment-for many say, "this is the worst time ever in America." The Spirit of God said, who would declare a recession, and who would declare where I am going? God said, this is the best time, because joy is coming to you in the Spring, says the Lord, Joy is coming to you in the Spring, therefore, I want you to prophesy it: Joy!
I read this article on-line today and thought I would share it with you. One of my favorite verses that describes the timing of Jesus’ birth in found in Galatians 4:4
“But when the time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under law”
The following is from the on-line blog “Got Questions”,”your question, Biblical answers”. It is an excellent resource for anyone that has a Biblical or theological question…
I don’t believe anyone of us will be sad to see 2020 pass into history. What a year! This has been a year like no other, at least not in my lifetime. If you remember, 2020 was going to be a year of clear vision; everything would come into perfect vision and focus. For those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, you are coming out of 2020 with things clearly seen...
We have never been in such a time as this, at least not in my lifetime. This pandemic has caused people to live in absolute anxiety with no apparent light at the end of the tunnel. People are being shut down in certain areas of the country. State and county leaders are making demands on their citizens that seem overbearing. The result? Well, the suicide rate has sky-rocketed and the use of anti-anxiety and anti-depression medicine is also at an all-time high. Our elderly are paying the deepest price emotionally for being isolated.
The voice of tyranny says, “do what I say, not what I do!” “You must obey without question or there will be consequences”. Bondage and fear are two of the qualities that the face of tyranny uses to keep us under their control. The cry for freedom must be the sound of patriots who would deliver us from both in the natural and spiritual sense. God has had his men and women in every generation who are willing to stand in the face of tyranny to press into the destiny of people and nations.
God is exposing and shaking all that has been unjust and unrighteous in our nation He is shaping us to fulfill our God-given destiny as a nation. All corruption must go! Much of what we have known is being shaken. Let go of what God removes through this shaking. Nothing is taking Him by surprise…
The last 6 months of “Covid” has been incredibly stressful for everyone. There has been a massive increase in depression and anxiety. No matter what you might think about the pandemic, the virus is real and is taking lives, especially those whose health has been compromised by another condition. What is the answer? Turn to the Lord and trust in Him. This is an incredible opportunity for the body of Christ to go on the offensive.
Thank you to the over 20 Volunteers that came together to make it a fun and rewarding afternoon. It seemed like everyone was having a blast!
Can’t happen here? We’re closer to that happening than most realize. The American church must wake up and begin to wage war and intercede for God’s kingdom to come to the United States. We’re the last hope of the world for freedom and liberty. Will you stand in prayer fasting believing God to bring forth His will and destiny for our nation? The promise?
The day we have prayed and fasted about is finally here; “Election Day 2020”! I believe along with most of the prophetic community that this is probably going to be the most important election day in history. This is not just choosing between “Democrat” or “Republican”, this is a really a choice between freedom and socialism, following the Biblical principles of a free society or falling into the principles of Marxist socialism.
Jesus had at least 2 other siblings that we know about; James and Jude. James the Just, or a variation of James, brother of the Lord, according to the New Testament. He was an early leader of the Jerusalem Church of the Apostolic Age. He died as a martyr in AD 62 or 69…
The Joseph anointing is about to come into view in this next season. I believe God is bringing everything into proper alignment for the greatest harvest the world has ever seen. Those with this calling will be called to finance what God is going to do. The “Joseph anointing” of course refers back to the Joseph in the book of Genesis who was sold into slavery by his brothers yet God prepared him to save the purposes of God by the saving of his brothers, his betrayers by providing for them in a world-wide famine.