Prophetic Word, Cornerstone Fellowship, Dry Bones and The Lion of the Tribe of Judah
Given by: Garth J. Fazio Date: December 27, 2020
Preface: When we were worshipping in church this morning, we were singing the song “Dry
Bones”, written by our worship leader Nick Frey, which is based on Ezekiel chapter 37. I felt
compelled by the Holy Spirit to write a prophecy to the church as I was receiving revelation for
the coming new year, which I wrote during worship and shared afterward.
Cornerstone, this is the year in 2021, where you shall see the completed work of the Master’s
hand in this church. He will piece together each one of us as patchwork, much like mosaic tiles,
which by itself looks insignificant and abandoned but that was the plan! As we empty ourselves
to Him, He can paint and craft His image and likeness He so desires upon us! For as we have
learned the lesson of submission and surrender, He can use us for His purposes and kingdom!
For has He not called you to all the nations to fulfill the great commission!? To preach the
gospel to all the nations and proclaim, “He reigns over all the nations!” Yes! He will breathe His
pneuma or Spirit on what man sees as dry bones but He will give us sinew, tissue and organs to
walk and work in His will!
The Master Carpenter will jointly fit us together into His purposes and desires! One will be His
foot and one the hand, the other His mouth and one will be His backside, which will reveal His
glory to all mankind! For we will change others just with our presence as we shine His glory,
for, have we not supped with the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!? Can one abide with the Lord
of Hosts and not have the dross burned off!? Are we not a finer vessel this year than the last!?
For we have wrestled with the Spirit of the Lord and prevailed! However, we will be different,
for He has touched our hip and we now limp in man’s eyes but that was His intent, for now, we
will fly with the eagles!
This will be the year you will find the destiny and hope you have prayed earnestly for! For, you
have been faithful in a little and He will now give you much! The widow’s mite you have sown
has entered His throne room and become a pleasing offering to Him! Look, the tattered
patchwork you have been looking at needs to be flipped over, for the side you were looking at
is where He has sewn you into the body and they bear the scars, the marks of submission and
crucifixion of self to the things of this world! Now, look again, you are a mosaic masterpiece
and is not the image that is grafted in and jointly fit together now bestow the Lion of the Tribe
of Judah!?
Now behold, I will fulfill what I have called you to be and become, for I came as a lamb but will
return as a lion! Will not this body accomplish what He foretold before time itself!? You will
separate the wolves from the sheep and He will show His works mighty on your behalf! For
greater things will you do in My name for I now sit on my throne on My father’s right hand and
you are joint heirs! You will heal the sick, lame and prophesy in My name. For the sick, lame
and demon possessed will come and through Jesus’ name shall you set the captives free!