I am so grateful for the many prophetic voices God has given us at Cornerstone. The Lord reminds us of the importance of the “prophets” in Amos 3:7 (NASB)

“Certainly the Lord GOD does nothing Unless He reveals His secret plan To His servants the prophets.”

and Proverbs 28:18 (ESV)

Where there is no prophetic vision the people cast off restraint,  but blessed is he who keeps the law.”

The prophetic lets the people know that God has a purpose for what is going in their daily Iives. It lets us know that God is not some where in thee galaxies but is intimately involved with us.

I was listening to Prophet Mark Taylor the other day and he was expressing concern about the separation there is between the “local church” and the “prophets” which tend to be outside the church. When there is no connection, there is no accountability. Perhaps that is the reason that the prophetic is all over the place right now. However, I am grateful that we have a prophetic call on our church and that many called to the prophetic are stepping up to release what God has given them. I was very blessed by the word that Garth Fazio sent to me the other day and wanted to share it with you. The following is from Garth.

“Just sharing what I feel the Spirit gave me this morning after thinking about the election:

 First, God will “reveal the wickedness in high places”!  Then I got the phrase “domino effect”, as it was related to the high places.  As I was meditating on the “domino effect”, I heard a song while listening on Pandora from Christian artist Cory Asbury about the “Walls of Jericho”, not sure the name of the song.  As I was meditating on that song and its relevance, God was giving me some revelation about it, the next song randomly played by Pat Barrett, in his lyrics he sang about the “walls falling down”.  At this point I believe the Lord was interconnecting and reinforcing this all to me!  This was not just a coincidence!

  Further, as I pondered the story of the “Walls of Jericho”; it was a seven day march around those impenetrable looming walls!  The walls represent a spiritual stronghold for a nation to overcome as they conquer the land and enter into their God given inheritance!  The first 6-days were days of silence and I felt represent intercessory corporate prayer mixed with faith, which comes against the wickedness in high places (the powers and principalities)!  The seventh day was a day of accomplishment and victory through the avenue of faithful prayer.  Praise is our shout of victory, which should be proclaimed on the “seventh day”. 

 Importantly, I felt to look back at the calendar, as I looked at the date of the inauguration it was on the 20th of January.  I felt the days in the story of Jericho represent weeks not literal days in this prophetic word for the hour we are in!  If you count out six weeks from the 20th of January, it takes us exactly to March 3!  Starting on March 4th is the beginning of the seventh week, a week of praise and thanksgiving for what God has and will accomplish through our supplication and prayer as a church!  An attitude of praise and adoration for a full week and watch the walls tumble down as a domino effect, one after another as wickedness is revealed and torn down in high places!   Praise God!

So encouraging Garth! Lets all take our positions on the wall and in the gap for America. God is going to have His way with America! You can count on it!               

