By Chris & Tamar Clarke

Weariness has tried to become a constant companion. The thought of everyday tasks had been eliciting cries from me for help, “Lord, give me strength.” But before I had uttered any of those unsophisticated prayers of exasperation, God knew my need. In His kindness, He answered my simple prayers by giving me grace to meet the daily duties, but He was waiting for an opening so He could address the root of my fatigue. 

The opening came during corporate worship this past Sunday. I heard “Have you forgotten that you’re betrothed? Don’t you know that you’re supposed to be getting ready for a wedding?” I needed a reminder of why I walk this walk of a believer. No matter that we are at war—in our personal trials and as part of the universal Church which is under attack—the promise of glorious, uninterrupted fellowship with our Savior is our portion. Our Father is calling us to remember the simplicity of first-love worship in the midst of battle. That kind of focus can restore our souls.

We sang, Getting Ready.

What an honor to be invited to 

The marriage of the Lamb, to come and worship Him

Celebration, it’s the joining of

The Bride and the Son, the two becoming one

 All the prophecy fulfilled

In a moment, so we sing

 Like the roar of many waters 

Like the sound of rolling thunder 

Hallelujah, give Him glory

For the marriage of the Lamb is coming

The song recounts Revelation 19:6-9 where John saw and heard the multitudes in heaven praising the Lord God at the wedding feast of the Lamb. The work of wedding preparation, which includes a multi-month betrothal process and a procession to the home of the Bridegroom, had taken place already when we pick up with John’s encounter in verse 6. Then, the wedding supper is about to begin in verse 7. 

6 Then I heard something like the voice of a great multitude and like the sound of many waters, and like the sound of mighty peals of thunder, saying,“Hallelujah! For the Lord our God, the Almighty, reigns.

Marriage of the Lamb

7 Let’s rejoice and be glad and give the glory to Him, because the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His bride has prepared herself.” 8 It was given to her to clothe herself in fine linen, bright and clean; for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints.

9 Then he *said to me, “Write: ‘Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding feast of the Lamb.’” And he *said to me, “These are the true words of God.”

This look into the realm of our tomorrows is intended to breathe life into our todays. I believe that God gave us this inspired picture of our future so that we can engage our imaginations and train our appetites, here and now, for a deeper level of intimacy with our Bridegroom, Jesus. He wants John’s encounter to be our encounter so that our seat at the wedding supper is not a deferred hope but a desire fulfilled, a sure promise that is a tree of life.

We are in the betrothal phase of the wedding covenant. Our daily trials are our bridal preparation. And, if we see them this way, it can help recalibrate our responses to those trials. This perspective can bring heavenly purpose, life, and energy into our trials. It can also prompt individual responsibility in the cleanliness of our bridal garments while also keeping us mindful that we are part of a great multitude who will thunder praise to the Lord our God. What an encouragement, especially when we feel alone in our trials.

The work of preparation seems to flow with a different kind of ease when we envision a guaranteed great finish. If you’ve ever been involved in planning a special event—a conference, an extended trip, a wedding, a milestone birthday party, or a family reunion—you know the effort that goes into planning. And hopefully you know the joy of looking back on the treasured memories generated by all the work. God is asking us to trust Him for the effort and planning of the wedding feast of His Son. And, it is His joy to look and see us seated for supper in our clean linen. Picturing His joy can truly become our everyday strength.

When we remember the glory of the end of the story, we have an opportunity to receive refreshing in our soul and spirit. As we address the issues of the day, we can choose to remember that we’re getting prepared for a glorious wedding feast. An adoring Bridegroom awaits us in our fine linen, bright and clean.

We’re getting ready!
