Welcome to Cornerstone Fellowship. It is our joy to serve the Lord, and we desire to be a blessing to you and your family in any way we can.
Foundational to Cornerstone's mission is the call to nurture an atmosphere of God's presence, for it is in His presence that we are changed and permeated with His glory. So we spend extended time waiting upon The Lord and worshiping Him. In these times of ministering unto the Lord many have discovered the Father's heart -- a place of acceptance where sinners can meet a loving God and believers can find healing from wounded areas.
Our desire is to allow Jesus to rule and reign and truly be the head of His church. Committed to this objective, our services are led by the Holy Spirit and therefore tend to flow differently from gathering to gathering. Important elements such as worshiping, teaching, sharing, giving, intercession and so forth, are all aspects of our services, but our focus is on developing relationship with Him and one another as opposed to following a more rigid order. The result has been incredible freedom to let God do what He desires to do on any given Sunday.
While we believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit and His power in the believer's life for Spirit-led living and divine appointment, we do not put emphasis on the manifestations of the Holy Spirit. The important thing is what God is doing on the inside of the heart. We encourage all who attend to walk in God's love, drink deeply, and then give it away.
God is shaking the body of Christ as a whole, to wake us up out of complacency - so that we will rise to the task of building the end-time House of the Lord. This is our hearts cry: to give even greater glory to the Lord in the days ahead by acquiring His heart and obediently carrying out His marching orders.
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