Waiting on the Lord                       By Pastor Paul Black


Waiting on the Lord By Pastor Paul Black

More than just an understanding of Him, Jesus desires that each one of us get to know Him and dwell intimately with Him. Just like any relationship, this takes purpose and time. We must first of simplify our lives and make time for Him. Turn off the distractions and the business and make time for Him in a quiet place. Commune with Him, by worship, thanksgiving and praise and then wait for Him to talk to you. He often speaks to me in the quiet of the early morning or late at night.


What a Hope We Have in Jesus, A Tribute to a Friend    By Pastor Paul Black


What a Hope We Have in Jesus, A Tribute to a Friend By Pastor Paul Black

Ed was a passionate lover of Jesus who continually had a burden for souls. He was also one of the finest surgeons that Frederick ever had. He learned his craft while serving in a Viet Nam mash unit during the Viet Nam war. He was known as a surgeon who followed the Holy Spirit while performing surgery. Because of that, he saved many lives in the operating theatre.


Leave Your Nets And Follow Jesus.                  By Susan Hawkins


Leave Your Nets And Follow Jesus. By Susan Hawkins

I tried and tested them just as I have you, and they were made more resilient and moldable in My hand. They were far from perfect, but they were willing vessels to be made into My way for them, My purpose for their lives. This is the only way to become My disciple. There are no shortcuts or workarounds. Let go, child, and let Me show you a more excellent way. You will enjoy the rivers in the desert and a straight and level path to walk. This will enable you to complete your journey and fulfill your purpose on the earth. I am the prize at the end and will welcome you with open arms.


Acknowledge God In Your Life By Obedience.    By Susan Hawkins


Acknowledge God In Your Life By Obedience. By Susan Hawkins

In all your ways acknowledge Me. Is that easier said than done? What does that mean exactly? Wisdom calls out to her children, who hear her voice and follow. Who is all-wise? I am calling out to My children to come and follow Me. Acknowledging Me means you hear My voice and obey. It is simple but requires death to your desires, plans, and understanding. Acknowledging Me means you place My Word filled with My character and promises above all else. You will see much fruit if you do so. Amen.


Ambassadors of Christ.       By Pastor Paul Black


Ambassadors of Christ. By Pastor Paul Black

Jesus instructed us to pray that His Kingdom would come, and His will be done on earth as it is in Heaven in the “Lord’s Prayer” of Matthew 6:10. He also declared that the “Gospel of the Kingdom” would go to every nation as a testimony, Matthew 24:14.


Hold Fast to Your Confession of Faith.          By Susan Hawkins


Hold Fast to Your Confession of Faith. By Susan Hawkins

I know you inside and out and what I have invested in you. You are ready for this work and have been since before you were born. I have planned it, and I will complete it with you. Hold fast your confession of faith, I say do not let your guard down. I am your all, and you will succeed in all I have for you to do. I will accomplish all I have decided to do and no manner of evil will stop it. You have been given faith in the future, no matter how you feel from one day to another. I placed that faith in you, and your hope is alive and well. 


Coming into Proper Alignment.      By Pastor Paul Black


Coming into Proper Alignment. By Pastor Paul Black

 In other words, when things begin to happen, “look up”. In other words, come into proper alignment for Jesus’ purposes are going to be realized. There is a chiropractic adjustment called the “Ring Dinger”. It was started, I believe, by a Christian chiropractor in Houston, Texas. The idea was to lift your head up, wrap a towel around the back, and relax totally as the doctor totally gives a tremendous pull on the head. If the head doesn’t pull off (just kidding), the adjustment total aligns your spine. I’ve have seen the practice heal peoples backs from disc issues and bring total relief to years of back pain. Hopefully, the practice will grow in popularity.


Sundays Zoom Mtg. "America's Coming Golden Era"


Sundays Zoom Mtg. "America's Coming Golden Era"

There is a strong possibility 5-8” of snow Sunday.

In that case the FSK will close the mall.

In it’s place, we will be doing a

ZOOM Church Meeting at


 The Zoom Code:

 408 327 6036

 Go to or Load the Zoom App on your Browser

Create an Account (if you don’t have one) and sign

 Select Join Mtg

Type in the Above Code

The topic of Sunday’s Zoom Mtg

 “America’s Golden Era”

 From a scriptural perspective


The Best Is Yet to Come              By Pastor Paul Black


The Best Is Yet to Come By Pastor Paul Black

 As Neville Johnson spoke as this season being the season of reaping of all the seed that has been sown, both good and evil, we are seeing all the fruit from the corrupt seed that was sown both in the world and in the church.  As we move into this season, the time between sowing and reaping a harvest will shrink exponentially.  We must especially care for the language that comes from our lips as “life and death are in the power of our tongue’ (Prov 8:21). We must speak blessing and not cursing. Those that speak curses will receive the reward of their words quickly.


New Year 2025: Jump in the River!             By Ana Nunez


New Year 2025: Jump in the River! By Ana Nunez

Let this New Year be a defining year—a year where you no longer settle for the old, the stale, or the broken ways you have been choosing life. May this be a year where you refuse to return to the bondages of your past. It’s time to let go of the worn-out mindsets, patterns, and habits that have led to lifeless cycles of striving, apathy, and burnout. Let today not only mark a New Year but also a cleansing year—washing away everything old so the new can come.


I Heard the Lord Say " I Am Solidifying My Strategies"  By Lana Vawser


I Heard the Lord Say " I Am Solidifying My Strategies" By Lana Vawser

‘My strategies in this hour will cause you to climb mountains you have never climbed and will cause you to pioneer paths and uncharted territories that you have never explored or imagined before. But as you remain steadfast upon the strategies I am releasing to you, you will see that it is not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit (Zech 4:6).


Many Are Coming to Experience the Love of God.         By Susan Hawkins


Many Are Coming to Experience the Love of God. By Susan Hawkins

Will you dismiss the lies that you are told and look only to Me? You will require a discipline you may not have practiced before. I have given you My Spirit that will guide you in all Truth; just listen to Him, for He will never steer you wrong. The Light of the World shall guide your steps as you lean in and listen to the still, small voice you were groomed to hear. I have not left you orphans, and your Heavenly Father is walking with you in every sphere of influence you find yourself. 


Taking Back the Land. Prt 3		By Pastor Paul Black


Taking Back the Land. Prt 3 By Pastor Paul Black

From a national perspective, I am so grateful that God has remembered our nation and began the process of delivering us from this insane “wokeness” that the leftist elites were trying to push upon our nation, especially our children. As he did with the Children of Israel, God as remembered the covenant he made with our forefathers. Exodus 2:24

“And God heard their groaning, and God remembered his covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob”.


Taking Back the Land  (Prt 2)		By Pastor Paul Black


Taking Back the Land (Prt 2) By Pastor Paul Black

 Notice that this life we’re moving into is not about doctrine but rather, it’s about love snd oneness that leads to correct functionality. The more we love selflessly, the more we come into proper relationship with Jesus and one another. Doctrine divides, Jesus’ love unifies. Being consumed in Christ means that we’re more concerned about Him getting the glory and not us. We want His divine purpose for every person, city, state and nation. That way knowledge of His glory will be seen in all the earth.


Taking Back the Land			By Pastor Paul Black


Taking Back the Land By Pastor Paul Black

 What an incredible portion of scripture. We are going to see God do some incredible things in the next few years. But it won’t be without a fight. The battle for our freedom has just begun. It will take focused intercession to bring these things to pass.


Let Your Kingdom Come                       By Pastor Paul Black


Let Your Kingdom Come By Pastor Paul Black

 God has heard our prayer and answered them. I believe that are about to see a spiritual awakening in our nation like never before. This election was not about politics, it was about righteousness versus evil. God has answered our prayers. People overwhelmingly rejected the evil.


October 31st, Reformation Day’s Birthday.       By Pastor Paul Black


October 31st, Reformation Day’s Birthday. By Pastor Paul Black

Jesus will have for Himself a bride without “spot” or “wrinkle and un tainted by the world. There is only one to be lifted up and worshipped, Jesus Christ alone. When we worship or exalt men, it leads to deception 100% of the time. Jesus is the head of the church, not the Pope or the five-fold ministry The five-fold ministry is to equip followers of Jesus to do the works of the ministry and help along with Holy Spirit to bring to spiritual maturity until the church looks like Jesus. Ephesians 4:11-16 (ESV)

 11 And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds[c] and teachers 12 to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, 13 until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, 14 so that we may no longer be children, tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes.

15 Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, 16 from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love.


Get Out  the Vote, and Vote Early             By Pastors Paul & Cheryl Black


Get Out the Vote, and Vote Early By Pastors Paul & Cheryl Black

This is not political this time. This is a fight between evil and righteousness, light and darkness. If you don’t like the person, vote the platform. The choice is clear. God WILL hold you responsible for not standing on the side of righteousness. In the Old Testament, God used King Cyrus pf Persia, a pagan King to deliver Judah from the entrapment of Babylon. I believe He is about to do the same through DJT. Read Isaiah 45.

 Furthermore, we are called to be salt and light. Matthew 5:13-16 (ESV)

 “You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people's feet.

14 “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven”


Let Go. Release Your Burdens. God Has Got This.      By Susan Hawkins


Let Go. Release Your Burdens. God Has Got This. By Susan Hawkins

Today, you will find yourself in a decision as to what you should do about the coming storm. How will you respond? I say to you, respond in faith that your Father has everything in hand. You do not need to worry or be afraid, but walk in faith. I will take care of you and all you care about, and you will see Me take the load off your shoulders and place it upon Mine. Will you let Me show you a much better way? There is no need to be “on top of it all,” you would say. I am overall, and the way to go will be clear for you to follow.

Cast your burden on the LORD [release it] and He will sustainand uphold you; He will never allow the righteous to be shaken (slip, fall, fail). Psalm 55:22
