John 2:5 "But his mother told the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.”
I feel this is a word that carries great weight and counsel in this season, "Do whatever he tells you."
We can look at situations in scripture where Jesus instructed people to do certain things, and as a result of their obedience, they received their healing. [Matthew 12:13; John 5:8,9; John 4:50; Matthew 9:29]
I was meditating on the story of Peter and his team fishing all night and catching nothing. Jesus saw Peter and his buddies cleaning their nets. He asked Peter to take Him out in his boat so He could teach the people from it. Peter was obedient and took the Lord a little ways out into the lake. After Jesus finished speaking to the people, he instructed Peter to throw his net overboard. Peter's response was
"Master,” Simon replied, “we have worked hard all night without catching anything. But because You say so, I will let down the nets.”
We know that Peter caught so many fish that his net began to tear so he called for his buddies to come help. They all caught so many fish that their boats began to sink. Do you think that it was because of the place Peter was instructed to fish again that they caught so many fish? No, Jesus knew how to draw the fish. I believe Jesus drew the fish to Peter's net as Peter was obedient. Jesus later told Peter that he would be a fisher of men.
We have in the past season been a little like Peter. We have toiled and caught little harvest. We've thought, I've tried this, but we are seeing few results. I believe in this new season, the Lord is going to ask us to do something(s) to test our obedience. It may not make sense to our rational mind...actually I would say that it will not. This is the season when Jesus is going to draw the fish, the harvest, to us as we are obedient to His word of instruction(s).
Notice that it took Peter and his buddies working together to fully harvest the catch Jesus was drawing. It is going to take not only one church, one denomination, but all whose hearts are fully submitted to Jesus as their Savior, as their Lord, and as the Head of all they do. These houses of harvest will be places that are Kingdom minded. This is such a crucial time in His end-time events that He will carefully watch over this immense harvest. He will not draw them to houses that only want to build their own kingdoms. He will lead them to houses whose purpose is to work with Him to raise up mature sons in this hour. them to be conformed into His image as they learn to die to self and live unto Him.
There is a new level of relationship that the Lord is requiring of His Bride. There is a new level of unity that will be required. Jealousy and being territorial in the church world must no longer be if we want to be a part of this next move of God that is upon us. There is a new level of obedience that will be required of us as we move forward into the days of the billion soul harvest that we have prayed to see for so long.
Do whatever He tells you to do!