Because we have moved away from the absolutes of God’s word, we have lost our way morally. As a result, we have murdered at least 60,000,000 babies since 1973 because of legalized abortion. God said this several millennia ago through the prophet Isaiah…
During Jesus first coming, there were signs in the heavenliness of His appearance. Matthew details the event in the second chapter.
“Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the east came to Jerusalem, 2 saying, “Where is he who has been born king of the Jews? For we saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.”
What the blood of sheep and bulls could never do (Hebrews 10:4), Jesus did by the shedding of His blood and creating new creations as His sons and daughters. He is our “Rosh Hashanah” and our “Yom Kippur”. We live with all separation between us and Him gone.
If you missed the morning service last Sunday, you’ll have to catch it on our “Youtube” Channel; “CornerstoneFellowship” to check it out. In short, there was a sign in the celestial region on September 23, 2017 that seem to be fulfill Revelation 12 and what Jesus prophesied in Matthew 24:30.
I want to start off this blog by reminding us of the sovereignty of God ruling in the world. We as believers often get caught up in “political” debates every four years between personal views whether they be between the “Democrats and Republicans” and who occupies the “Whitehouse” ! Before I pass on a prophetic word shared with me by Barbara Potts from the Murillo Ministires, I want to share it in the context of 2 verses; one in Daniel and the other from Paul’s letter to the church of Ephesus; First, Daniel 2:20-21 (ESV)….
As a matter of protocol, one who is junior in rank initiates the salute, and the senior person responds by returning this formal greeting—as a sign of mutual respect between professional warriors who serve the same nation (or allies). “Colors and standards” are various types of flags or banners representing the country, the service, a unit—or representing an officer (generals or admirals); these standards are saluted in recognition of what they represent.
…fasting is “ministering to the Lord”. It is not trying to twist God’s arm to get what we want. As we minister to the Lord in fasting, He then gives us instruction as to His will. The second illustration of this is found in Acts 14:23…
Life in the “Spirit” is a place where many of today’s believers have not entered. Even Jewish teacher “Nicodemus” did not fully grasp the concept of what life in the Spirit was all about. It is much deeper than charismatic anointing, teaching and gifts. It is actually a realm that is available to all believers everywhere. Old Testament patriarch Enoch learned the secret. he was the first recorded in the Bible that never tasted death. The writer of Hebrews tells us the following about Enoch; Hebrews 11:5-6 (ESV)…
There is a continuity between Jesus’ first coming and His second coming. It seems to be that the “Spirit of Elijah” will precede both advents. In Jesus’ first, the “Spirit of Elijah” was realized in John the Baptist. He was the 2nd cousin of the Lord Jesus and was filled with the Spirit from the womb. His main role was “a voice crying in the wilderness’ to “prepare the way of the Lord!”…
The writer of Hebrews tells us that everything that can be shaken will be shaken. For those who live in the shaking, it can be very disconcerting, The Lord says that it will be so frightening that men’s hearts will fail them for fear. (Luke 21:26). No matter the shaking, there is one constant; God is for us!
Years ago, South African prophet Kim Clement visited our church for the first of his eventual three visits. Honestly, I miss Kim and his passion to both sing, play the piano and prophecy in the name of the Lord. One thing he did say during his last meeting has stayed with me more than any other. Kim said that “the spirit of Enoch was in this place”. He did not know this but we had just finished our first “School of Enoch”. Enoch has been a Biblical hero of mine for many years mostly because even though he lived in a corrupt society, he was still translated into God’s presence. Genesis 5:21-24 says this about Enoch…
Please seek the Lord on these things and remember, “Seek Jesus, not experience”. That way we are all safe to receive the things and experiences that only He wants us to have. It will also keep us from the deception that seems to be sweeping the church today.
by Paul Black
I hope that you had a wonderful July 4th yesterday. Cheryl and I have been like “busy bees” getting her Mom settled in her new “independent living” facility here in Lakeland, Fla. We so appreciate your love and prayers during this season. After a hard day of working, we ordered some “Kentucky Fried Chicken” (what’s more American than that?) and watched the fireworks from Washington DC.
I’ve been pondering this thing we call “Liberty” actually for the last several days. Good ‘ol Webster defines it in two ways:
The Shroud of Tourin
by Paul Black
This past season of Passover, I had been asking the Lord to reveal something new to me that I had never before understood about the sacrifice, burial and resurrection of the Lord Jesus. He led me to study and research the “Shroud of Tourin” and “The Sudarium of Oviedo.” I have no reason to believe that these things are frauds or fakes. DNA testing gives strong evidence to their authenticity.
After His resurrection, the scripture says that Jesus showed many “convincing proofs” (Acts 1:3) of His own authenticity. Jesus is alive and modern science is proving this by those who are examining the artifacts He left behind.
After sharing my discovery with the congregation, a few of you came to me and told me about Ron Wyatt, an archeologist who has searched the Holy Land for decades. He discovered the “Arc of the Covenant” in the early ‘80’s. I am including a Youtube clip for your perusal., ; this one is 19 minutes long.
If you have a little more time, I have included ; this one is 1 hour and 20 minutes long. Both are phenomenal.
What does all this mean? The Lord told Daniel that many things would be hidden until the end times. It seems the longer we get away from a historical event, the more we treat the event as a story and lose the impact of its reality; our lives are no longer impacted by the event. The more reality we see in an event, the more it impacts us.
Jesus is alive, the death, burial and resurrection are real events that should impact our lives on a daily basis. Since Jesus conquered death, should we not be able to trust Him with the details of our lives? And to Him should we not dedicate the whole of our lives? He is worthy!
The Pillar of Fire
by Eric W. Lucas
25 See that ye refuse not him that speaketh. For if they escaped not who refused him that spake on earth, much more shall not we escape, if we turn away from him that speaketh from heaven 26 Whose voice then shook the earth: but now he hath promised, saying, Yet once more I shake not the earth only, but also heaven 27 And this word, Yet once more, signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken, as of things that are made, that those things which cannot be shaken may remain. 28 Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear: 29 For our God is a consuming fire. (KJV Heb 12:25-29)
Recently in a message entitled “The Full Price,” I spoke about the “answer by fire” that fell upon David’s altar at the threshing floor of Ornan (1 Chr. 21:26). I posed the question, “where is heaven’s answer by fire upon the altars of today’s church?” My point was that heaven’s fire falls upon the altar that is built upon the grounds of “full price.”
Pokemon Madness
by Paul Black
On Sunday Cheryl and I mentioned the rising phenomenon of "Pokemon" and our concern regarding its impact on this present generation of youth. Our concern has been met with mixed reaction, ranging from those receiving the warning and removing the app from their cell phones to others saying "I don't see what the big deal is." Please understand that our desire is not to shame anyone but only to bring attention to something that might keep us from becoming all that God has called us to be in Him. I appreciate the fact that some feel the freedom to disagree and question what is spoken of at church. When that happens, we become iron sharpening iron and I am never threatened or bothered by questions. In fact, I think that speaks of health in a church. My motivation is simply the responsibility I feel before the Lord as outlined in Hebrews 13:17 (NASB)
"Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they keep watch over your souls as those who will give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with grief, for this would be unprofitable for you." View Post
Being Led by the Spirit
by Paul Black
What does to mean to be “led” by the Holy Spirit? If I'm honest with myself, in my daily life I tend to think that being led by the Spirit is when He leads me into a “divine appointment” of some kind, but then for the rest of the day I’m in complete control. However, I really don’t believe that we as followers of Christ have even scratched the surface of what being “led by the Spirit” actually means. The Apostle Paul wrote this verse in Romans 8:14 (NASB)
“For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God” View Post
A Joyful Heart
by Paul Black
I want to do something that’s a little out of the ordinary for this week’s devotional.
Cheryl shared this “Youtube” video yesterday that has now gone viral with over 120,000,000 views. That’s right, 120,000,000. Instead of spoiling it, just watch and enjoy. (Don’t read anymore till you watch the following clip)...
by Paul Black
I have been receiving daily encouraging words from Chad Camasta. They are from a woman by the name of Vana Vawser. Chad emailed this word to me yesterday and I felt it was a great follow-up to all that Randy DeMain had shared with us this past weekend. My hope is that it will bless you as much as it blessed me. Enjoy... View Post