There is something happening in our nation that should be encouraging to every believer that lives in the United States. God has not forgotten us and still has a purpose and plan for our nation.
God is sovereign over the nations of the earth and is still upon the throne. The scripture promises that His kingdom rests upon His shoulders ever increasing, Isaiah 9:7 (ESV)
Of the increase of his government and of peace there will be no end, on the throne of David and over his kingdom, to establish it and to uphold it with justice and with righteousness from this time forth and forevermore. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will do this.
Is it possible that much of the church has been taught bad theology concerning the last days especially over the last 150 years? I believe it might be possible. I’ve seen some spiritual leaders say that President Trump might be the long-awaited Anti-Christ. I’ve also seen other respected leaders say that the “rapture” might happen over the next few months.
What many fail to release is that this was not the view of the early church. This teaching of the moral decline of the earth and the removal of the righteous actually came to popularity after the teachings of Plato according to NT Wright.
Jesus’ view was that His kingdom would come to earth and that His church would be responsible for much of it’s expansion. Why else would He tell us to pray, “let His Kingdom come and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven?”
It was Jesus who said that this “Gospel of the Kingdom” will be preached to every nation of the earth and then the end would come. (Matthew 24:14). The gospel of the kingdom is much more costly than the watered-down gospel of the American church.
He also said that the Holy Spirit would be poured out on all flesh. (Acts 2). It’s my view that either of these events have not happened yet.
However, with the results of our election, I believe God is positioning the United States to be receive both. Perhaps we will become the “city on a hill” again to the rest of the world.
God has heard our prayer and answered them. I believe that are about to see a spiritual awakening in our nation like never before. This election was not about politics, it was about righteousness versus evil. God has answered our prayers. People overwhelmingly rejected the evil.
It's time we take this opportunity to praise and thank Him for what He has done through this election. Then, we must go back to work and press into the Lord for the transformation of our individual states. We have much work to do in Maryland. Our intercessory work is not done until every state is completely unified, every unborn child is protected, and everyone has the opportunity to worship Jesus freely.
So Lord, “we are so thankful for what you did in our nation this week. Thank you for hearing our prayers and putting a stop to all the moral filth that has been sweeping our nation. Lord, let Your Kingdom come and let Your will be done in our state and nation as it is in heaven”.