Entering His Rest         Featuring Ed Mack


Entering His Rest         Featuring Ed Mack

One the greatest enjoyments of being a Pastor is meeting gifted people. I love hearing the different perspectives that different people have. For that reason, I’m changing the format of our weekly email blog. I’ve asked others to write over the next season so that you can hear the wonderful insights that so many others have. I received the following from Ed Mack the other day. It is an excellent insight into the Father’s rest. Ed and his wife have been attending Cornerstone for the last several years. please enjoy.


The Sons of God Revealed. By Susan Hawkins


The Sons of God Revealed. By Susan Hawkins

You are to be like lights to shine in this darkness and no one and nothing can sway you. When the narrative comes about that what you know to be true is false you will not be moved. I have prepared you and am in you and you will listen to the voice of your God and Him alone will you trust; Psalm 2:1-4 (ESV)


The Cost of Liberty.        By Paul Black featuring Frank Work


The Cost of Liberty. By Paul Black featuring Frank Work

On March 23rd, 1775, Patrick Henry allegedly made the famous statement “give me liberty or give me death!” I say “allegedly” because It’s not exactly sure that Patrick made the statement. His speech was recalled years after the event from people who had been at the convention. However, Patrick Henry did address the Virginia Convention to gain support to oppose any British Military intervention in Virginia. Tensions between Britain and the colonies had been escalating over the previous decade since the enforced “Stamp Act” in 1765. Revolution was on the horizon and the birthing of a new nation was at hand.


"Pack Your Coffin"        By Paul Black featuring Mel Tari


"Pack Your Coffin" By Paul Black featuring Mel Tari

There are many scriptures in the four gospels that point to the cost of following Jesus. Jesus, Himself defines the cost of following Him in Matthew 16:24-26 (ESV).

Then Jesus told his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. 25 For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. 26 For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what shall a man give in return for his soul?


“I Am the Resurrection and the Life” – Jesus 33AD


“I Am the Resurrection and the Life” – Jesus 33AD

I feel like I have cried an ocean full of tears in the last 17 months. In fact, I was in the hospital battling “Covid-19” when I got the news that one of my spiritual mentors had passed away. He passed away in his 90’s, a few days after his wife has passed away. The family had a double funeral. Although both had lived a full life, I still cried like a baby when I received the news. Our lives change so drastically when we lose a loved one. For a spouse, there is not an experience this side of heaven that is as painful as losing a faithful husband or wife. I’ve also discovered that it doesn’t matter how old you when you lose a parent, it is devastating and life-altering. My heart breaks for those family members whose lives have been so affected and changed by the loss of a loved one.


Supporting One Another.


Supporting One Another.

The Apostle Paul gave this scriptural principle to the church of Corinth in his first letter chapter 12:24-26 (ESV)…

“But God has so composed the body, giving greater honor to the part that lacked it, 25 that there may be no division in the body, but that the members may have the same care for one another. 26 If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together.”

A few weeks ago, Cornerstone lost a member of its leadership when Jim Potts went home to be with the Lord following a brief but intense battle with cancer. Jim and Barbara Potts have been leaders of “Cornerstone East” in Fort Washington, Md. for the last several years. It is not only a great loss for us but also an incredible loss for Barbara. Barbara has written a beautiful letter to the congregation that I wanted to feature in this week’s blog. The following is from Barbara.


"Wind of Change are Coming"          by Susan Hawkins


"Wind of Change are Coming" by Susan Hawkins

John 3:8 The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.”

I am truly coming soon and I will bring with Me the wind of My Spirit. Stand and let it wash over you that you will be covered in My glory. I come to rescue, to save those who are perishing, and to those who have forgotten their way.They once knew the power and majesty of their God but have been swept away in the world’s culture. “Come back little ones, come back.”


Heart Surgery


Heart Surgery

Thanks to all for your love, support and especially prayer during Cheryl's open heart surgery and recovery over the past week and a half. Cheryl is making good progress each day and I feel she is getting stronger as well! Our church family and friends have been amazing in their support by providing meals for us during this stretch. The meals have all been very healthy, low salt and low sugar and all very delicious. Thanks to Mya Frey for setting this meal train up. Cheryl's first post-op check up with the cardiologist will be this Thursday. Please keep us in prayer for that. She is recovering despite me being her main nurse and care giver but I'm doing my best. I received the following from one of our Cornerstone satellite leaders, Karen Austin last night. It was very encouraging to us so I wanted to encourage you with it especially as we move into a new season...


Oh Lord, Set Our Hearts on Fire.  By Paul Black


Oh Lord, Set Our Hearts on Fire. By Paul Black

believe that we are heading into one of the most incredible times in our lives as believers. Oftentimes in history, incredible moves of the Spirit came out of chaotic times in culture. There are many prophets that have a sense that we are on the threshold of a third great awakening. Let’s look at some scripture that would give precedent such a happening. The first is Acts 3:19-21 (ESV);

“Repent therefore, and turn back, that your sins may be blotted out, 20 that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord, and that he may send the Christ appointed for you, Jesus,21 whom heaven must receive until the time for restoring all the things about which God spoke by the mouth of his holy prophets long ago.”


The Power of Offense, God’s Building Tool


The Power of Offense, God’s Building Tool

This has been quite a year. I don’t believe I have ever been in a year like it in almost my 40 plus years of ministry where there has been the opportunity for individuals to be the cause of an offense or be offended. No one is exempt! Between the “Covid” pandemic and all its related issues, the Presidential elections and all its related issues, I have never experienced an 18 month period that provided more of an opportunity for people to take offense with one another. Can the church survive this season unscathed? We can either stay offended and separate from those we don’t agree with and lose our inheritance or allow the pressure of the season to forge us into a unified “Bride” that Jesus desires in the last days. Paul encouraged the church to be focused on the latter: Ephesians 4:1-6 (ESV),



The Cost of Following Jesus. By Adina Shabe

Living in the Western Culture, sometimes we have no clue of what our brothers and sisters in Christ go through in other parts of the world for following Jesus. I had another subject picked for this week’s email but was deeply touched by Adina’s email I received just today. With Adina’s permission, I’m sharing it with our email family this week. I feel led to take an offering for this family this Sunday so she can know that Christian brothers and sisters share her burden. I felt the need to introduce this story with this verse out of the book of Hebrews 11:6 (ESV);

 And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.

Woman of Great Faith

“Perhaps you remember stories about a dear Iranian friend of mine, Meena. I had the honor to meet Meena a year ago on a small island which was home to one of the worst refugee camps in the world. I have been blessed to stay in touch with this dear sister. It has been a joy to minister to her long distance, to pray and support her and be challenged by her radical faith and love for Jesus. 

It has been a long year for Meena and her family. She has given me permission to share her story with you to encourage you in faith and to request intentional prayer on her behalf. 

Meena comes from Iran where she was a professor in M*slim studies at a top university. She encountered Him through reading the book of John, she was filled with the Spirit and gave her life along with her husband and sons. She promptly returned to her university, knowing she would face certain death and taught all she had just learned about the Truth to her students. She faced a stoning by her people and fled. She traveled across the Middle East and her and her family arrived in small raft to an island in Greece where I met her. Upon their arrival on this island the family intentionally continued to share the truth everywhere. They were threatened frequently by extremists who resided in the refugee camp. They ended up having their tent relocated to an area of the refugee camp that was known to hold some of the most intense extremists. They continued to share the Truth to them without fear. While I was there we often housed them when their tent was cut up or when threats were most severe. I watched this woman love others and walk in a level of teaching and preaching that deeply convicted me. We ministered together amongst her people and watched signs and wonders follow. Unfortunately, in the spring of 2020 a group of men attacked her husband and 5 year old son, beating them badly. Her 5 year old son was critically wounded. At this point Meena knew she had to flee for her sons safety. We began walking through the process of helping her family get relocated, this process can often be very slow and long. She ended up fleeing with her 5 year old son by boat, plane and foot from the island to Greece’s mainland then to Spain, Italy, France, the UK and into Germany. There were many moments we greatly feared for her safety but we prayed and God always protected them. She even faced prison time, but the Lord kept her from being imprisoned! Not only this but she preached the Truth the entire way. She spoke the Truth to airport workers, ship captains, those she met on the street, really anyone the Lord placed before her. She went in faith, some nights she was prepared to sleep on the street with her son but the Lord always gave them a place to stay. In France an older man took them in. I remember her asking me to pray because the man threatened to kick them out on the street because she kept worshipping. She refused to stop worshipping even if meant living on the streets, but the Lord softened this man’s heart. 

Meena and her youngest son finally were relocated in Germany earlier this year. She has gotten settled in a refugee camp in Germany where many miracles have taken place. Her little boys birthday was approaching and her son kept asking for presents and a party. Meena’s heart was broken for she had no money to give him these things. She encouraged her son to ask Jesus for everything. On the day of his birthday a woman came and gave Meena all these brand new toys she had bought for something and never used them. There was even a specific Lego set that her son and specifically asked Jesus for! Then all his classmates came and surprised him. Someone brought a cake and another person decorations. They have had miracle after miracle after miracle, carpets given for free, furniture, food, money, clothes and school supplies. Sometimes things will just appear in the fridge or in their shelves, sometimes it will be dropped by their door, or people will bring it without Meena even asking. God has provided for them in ways that has expanded my own faith. We have recently been praying for them to get asylum status in Germany. Just today I received this message from her. “I bear witness that God is truthful and faithful. Those who trust in Him will not be embarrassed. I testify that God speaks the truth and He answers our prays in the name of Jesus. The asylum process in Germany is different for everyone, sometimes early ... sometimes late. Sometimes it even lasts for seven or eight years or more. And I waited for a few months and there was no news. I fasted according to the story of Esther who told the Jewish people to fast for three days and on the third day God will answer…. God answered me on the third day. 
I received a letter on the 18th and I was asked to give an interview on March 24. I was interviewed and God quickly answered as the interviewers gave a positive answer. I got the best acceptance ... I am accepted for three years to Germany!!

For the past year Meena and her husband and eldest son have been separated. We have been fighting and interceding for the family to be reunited. In the case of refugees families often are separated, sometimes never to be reunited. But we do not believe this will be Meena’s story! Her husband and eldest son are still stuck on an island in Greece and have been going through a long, difficult process to get accepted to be back with their mother, wife and brother in Germany. May we continue to pray for our sister in Christ who has daily laid her life down for His name to be glorified! 


The Final Harvest Has Begun


The Final Harvest Has Begun

I believe we are moving into the most incredible time of the church in the history of the known world. There are so many scriptural indicators that point to this. The “Feasts of the Lord” listed in the book of Leviticus 23 paint an awesome prophetic picture of the purposes of the Lord.


Knights of the Kingdom


Knights of the Kingdom

I never cease to be amazed by those that the Lord continues to bring to Cornerstone. I am so blessed by the quality of spiritual leadership. It came to my attention that Susan Hawkins has had an inspirational blog for the last few years called “Open Eyes Ministry” on both the Web and on FaceBook. I encourage you to check it out. The following is the latest blog from Susan. God enrich you as you read it.


Losing My Head for Jesus.


Losing My Head for Jesus.

I was texting back and forth with a dear friend today and she mentioned how John the Baptist had to lose his head. John the Baptist was “the voice crying in the wilderness’ to “prepare the way for the Lord”. John’s focus was on repentance to prepare for the Kingdom Jesus focus was on receiving the kingdom because it “was at hand”. I believe there is a strong application as to where we are today.


Moving to Maturity


Moving to Maturity

Wow! There is just too much in these verses to unpack in a weekly blog but suffice to say; there seems to be so much more to experience in Christ than we are experiencing presently. How many of us can truly say that we have been “enlightened” to the point that we’re continually testing the powers of the age to come? If the cross and resurrection truly restored what was lost by Adam, then there must be more for us to experience.


Knowing the Schemes of the Enemy


Knowing the Schemes of the Enemy

I am going to discuss something that may not be a popular subject, but I feel it is one that must be brought to the light. As I look back over the last decade, I can see where division that started out over a few issues has ballooned into many major issues in our day. I remember when my father was alive, he was a very staunch supporter of a particular political party…


“Jesus Wept”,  John 11:35


“Jesus Wept”, John 11:35

John 11:35 is the shortest verse in the Bible. Because of that, many tend to blow right past the verse not taking time to understand the full emotion and intensity that was part of the occasion. Let’s pick up on the narrative from the ESV in John 11:1-7.


The Ears of the Bride Are Being Opened


The Ears of the Bride Are Being Opened

The ears of the Bride are being opened to hear. The eyes of the Bride are being opened to see. Coming with the revelation of Jesus in our midst will be a revealing of His Bride and who we truly are. As we get and maintain our focus upon the One who is in our midst, we will begin to receive the revelation of our partnership with Him in this world.


Happy St Patrick Day


Happy St Patrick Day

For those who have Irish roots, “Happy Saint Patrick’s Day.” For those who like drinking “green” beer, please don’t. In fact, this day has nothing to do with drinking alcohol. I did not realize that I had strong Irish roots until just a few years ago.


David’s Lunch Break


David’s Lunch Break

One of the most storied days in the history of Israel and her future king began simply with these events:

“David rose early in the morning, left the sheep with a keeper, and took the things and went as Jesse had commanded.”

When, as recounted in 1 Samuel 17, Jesse asked David to bring down lunch to his brothers and bring back news of the battle, David had no comprehension of what he was about to walk into.
