Pastor Paul Black 

I’ve been meditating a lot on Hebrews 6:1-6 (ESV) for the last several weeks. 

 “Therefore, let us leave the elementary doctrine of Christ and go on to maturity, not laying again a foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God, 2 and of instruction about washings, the laying on of hands, the resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgment. 3 And this we will do if God permits. 4 For it is impossible, in the case of those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, and have shared in the Holy Spirit, 5 and have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the age to come, 6 and then have fallen away, to restore them again to repentance, since they are crucifying once again the Son of God to their own harm and holding him up to contempt.” 

Wow! There is just too much in these verses to unpack in a weekly blog but suffice to say; there seems to be so much more to experience in Christ then we are experiencing presently. How many of us can truly say that we have been “enlightened” to the point that we’re continually tasting the powers of the age to come? If the cross and resurrection truly restored what was lost by Adam, then there must be more for us to experience. Even Enoch and Noah “walked with God” and were given supernatural assignments. The Elders of Israel had a banquet on the “glassy sea” while visiting Mt Sinai with Moses; Exodus 24:9-11 (ESV)

“Then Moses and Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu, and seventy of the elders of Israel went up, 10 and they saw the God of Israel. There was under his feet as it were a pavement of sapphire stone, like the very heaven for clearness. 11 And he did not lay his hand on the chief men of the people of Israel; they beheld God and ate and drank.”

If this was all under the “old covenant”, what more is available for us under the new covenant? Honestly, this question has plagued me for the last several years. It only intensified after Kim Clement’s word during his first visit to Cornerstone back in the early 2000’s. Kim said that “the spirit of Enoch is in this place”. That statement from Kim only created a deeper desire and hunger for more of the Lord! Then, in the beginning of 2020, the Lord told me “to address and dismantle” all those things which “have a form of godliness but deny the power”. Since then, things have been a very uncomfortable. We have so many things in our lives spiritually that are simply the “traditions of men” but lack supernatural power.  I’m after the deeper things in Christ. if you want to join me on this quest, you’re going to have to let go of some religious things that have become comfortable for us all but will not be useful in the season we’re going into.

1.     Our worship must change. I would say 90% of all worship songs are either about God or about us. My wife actually helped me with this revelation years ago.  We pick songs because we like the sound of them, or they are popular. However, worship in heaven is “to” God that describe His glory and attributes; definitely not just about God and definitely not about me. He fills the place that exalts Him continuously. I believe worship in this next season will be “Christ-centered” and not “self-centered”. 

2.     We must ask God to destroy the doctrinal boxes of theology that we as men have created. God does not exist within my box of beliefs. All truth regarding every discipline is in Him. In fact, He is truth. All truth is found in Him. Satan can not create any truth, as he is the “father of lies”. Man does not live in God by “illumination”; he must live by “revelation”. Illumination is an act of the mind understanding knowledge; revelation is an act of the Spirit. 

3.     Move from a place of religious study of the Bible into a place of relationship and intimacy with the Holy Spirit. Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would “lead us into all truth” (John 16:13 ESV). Therefore, entrance into the spiritual realm requires deeper relationship with the Holy Spirit. Walking by the Spirit is much more than “charismatic” or “Pentecostal” gifts or anointings. Paul says that “mature sons” are continuously being “led by the Spirit”. Relationship with Him demands death to self and surrender to Christ. Our motives must be about Him being glorified, not for Him to make ministry bigger and better. Jesus said this in Matthew 5:8 “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.

The promise is that the Lord will honor those who live accordingly. The truth is that this is coming whether we’re ready for it or not. All over the world, there is a massive shaking happening in the church. This shaking is separating the sheep and the goats. I believe this will continue to happen for the next year at least as the Lord is preparing for Himself a bride that will rule and reign with Him. Like John the Baptist and holding an office in the 5-fold ministry, I feel it is my responsibility to “prepare the way” so that the King of Glory could come in. It is clear that in the Laodicean church of Revelation, Christ is standing outside the church desiring for the church to open up the door for Him to come in; Revelation 3:15-22 (ESV).

 “‘I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot! 16 So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth. 17 For you say, I am rich, I have prospered, and I need nothing, not realizing that you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind, and naked. 18 I counsel you to buy from me gold refined by fire, so that you may be rich, and white garments so that you may clothe yourself and the shame of your nakedness may not be seen, and salve to anoint your eyes, so that you may see. 19 Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline, so be zealous and repent. 20 Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me. 21 The one who conquers, I will grant him to sit with me on my throne, as I also conquered and sat down with my Father on his throne. 22 He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.’”

Thus, I encourage you to examine yourself thoroughly. Then, repent of all the things that are not filled up with the fulness of Christ in your life. Keep your spirit open to the leading of the Holy Spirit and finally, Live in total obedience to all He asks of You. The best is yet to come!! Whether you experience it is totally up to you. 
