Pastor Paul | August 4th 2020

Years ago, South African prophet Kim Clement visited our church for the first of his eventual three visits. Honestly, I miss Kim and his passion to both sing, play the piano and prophecy in the name of the Lord. One thing he did say during his last meeting has stayed with me more than any other. Kim said that “the spirit of Enoch was in this place”. He did not know this but we had just finished our first “School of Enoch”. Enoch has been a Biblical hero of mine for many years mostly because even though he lived in a corrupt society, he was still translated into God’s presence. Genesis 5:21-24 says this about Enoch…

 “Enoch walked with God after he fathered Methuselah 300 years and had other sons and daughters. 23 Thus all the days of Enoch were 365 years. 24 Enoch walked with God, and he was not, for God took him.”

The very essence of this is the fact that Enoch entered another realm and did not come back. I believe that realm is available to us believers today. However, I believe that there is a scriptural protocol that must be examined and followed to keep us from falling into great deception. Some of you have come to me and asked about a comment I made a couple Sundays ago about “being visited some of the member of the ‘cloud of witnesses’ in this next season. I believe, in fact that is already beginning. A couple of church members have told me about experiences they have. They were not seeking such an experience but some “otherly” realm individuals actually showed up to assist and to encourage them. The writer of Hebrews shares this little “nugget” of truth to keep us on our toes; Hebrews 13:2

“Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.”

This is all part of our inheritance I believe. We miss so much of the word of God by skipping over verses like these. The protocol to experiences is found by the Apostle John who, while on the Isle of Patmos had the most incredible vision recorded in the scripture. He referred to himself as “the disciple that Jesus loved.” John is thought to be the youngest of the disciples and the record constantly has John laying on Jesus’ breast. John was also the most courageous as he was the only disciple with enough courage to stand with Jesus’ mother, Mary during the crucifixion. All the others had fled and were in hiding afraid of the Jewish leaders. John, now in His senior years had been boiled in oil by the Roman Emperor “Domitian” when that failed, John was exiled to the Patmos, an Island for the criminally insane. All those circumstances don’t stop his worship of Jesus. He records His experience by saying this; Revelation 1:10

10 I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and I heard behind me a loud voice like a trumpet”

Spiritual experience must always come out of a place of worshipping Jesus, Always! John was “in the Spirit”. Much more powerful I think then just operation in gifts and anointing. To seek experience for the sake of seeking experience will always lead us into dangerous places of familiar spirits and downright deception. Just look at the life of King Saul. The my friend is called “gnosticism” and leads to elitism. A spiritual visitation must come through a sovereign move of the person of Jesus Christ as we worship Him. Do not seek experience, seek Him. He will do the rest. God Bless.
