Recently during a time with the Lord, He began showing me places where I had been given a choice of the spiritual path to take in my life. The places I left were places which were known and familiar…places where my future was certain. Instead, I chose to press in the direction of something new, something more, an unknown and unfamiliar path. I did not know where the path would lead but I knew I would never be fulfilled unless I went. There was a calling and a wooing toward what was hidden in future. A path I knew I must continue.
This unknown path was not a path of ease, but one of rejection, misunderstanding and uncertainty. Yet, it was a path of excitement, a path of knowing I was made for this place even though it was unfamiliar. It is a path of such intimacy with the Lord. Along the way He reassured me this is what He has chosen for me. The Lord continues to be faithful at every junction to confirm the way of my destiny.
Those of you who are reading this and are a part of the congregation of Cornerstone, I am sure you have also been on a similar spiritual journey. You may have had a position in another ministry or been in a congregation with lots of friends. It may have been a place where everything was predictable, but there was something that continued to draw you out from among the familiar and into the unknown even though you were misunderstood. We have been through the process of crushing and pressing for what seems like forever. We are being prepared to carry the new wine!
Cornerstone has been a part of my journey into the unknown. This is where I found my tribe, a fellowship of like-minded pioneers. The definition of a pioneer is one who goes before, as into the wilderness, preparing the way for others to follow. A pioneer clears the way ahead of the main body. As long as we know it is God, we are the ones who are the first to try something new and not yet seen before. Does this sound like you?
I am reminded of the life of Moses. We know his mother placed him in a basket in the Nile River to save his life. The name Moses means “drawn out”. Pharoah’s daughter lifted him out of the Nile River to raise as her own. He was born an Israelite but raised as an Egyptian in the palace of Pharoah. He had all the luxuries the world could offer, yet something was calling him to a life of something else. He was troubled by the burdens placed upon his fellow people. This resulted in him killing a man who was attacking a fellow Hebrew. Destiny was calling him and through this act, his future was suddenly changed from one of royalty and comfort to one that he was not even sure where it would lead, but he knew he must go.
Moses heard that call, that drawing to the destiny the Father had for him to step into. This was a wilderness destiny. One that he was not sure of that which lie ahead. His “yes” to that wooing of the Spirit, began the journey that ended with Moses leading God’s chosen people out of bondage and towards the land promised to his ancestors. All of this was to fulfill a prophecy given by God to His people years before Moses was born.
We can look at others in scripture that were drawn into a destiny they had not planned. Esther was taken from her only known family to be one of many being considered to become the bride of the king. Yet, this difficult path led her to become queen to King Ahasuerus. This resulted in her being in a place of authority to save God’s people from being exterminated.
Joseph was the favored son of Jacob, yet his jealous brothers left him for dead in the wilderness. He suffered much on his journey into this unknown destiny. Joseph was chosen by the Father to save His people while he was living in the palace of Pharoah.
As I began to ponder what the Lord was showing me, I sensed what He was saying is that we, as ones who have chosen to follow Him regardless of what we have had to face, are about to step into what we have been created for. He saw every “yes” as we responded to His wooing. He saw every trial, every pressure and pain that we have faced. The dry, wilderness seasons, the seasons of being misunderstood all were a part of the shaping and maturing in order that we be ready to step into what He has prepare for us as part of His remnant Bride.
So, I say to you, that which you have been created for is about to manifest. We, as this body at Cornerstone, are about to step into the above and beyond of what we could have ever dreamed as described in Ephesians 3:20
“Now to Him who is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly more than all that we dare ask or think [infinitely beyond our greatest prayers, hopes, or dreams], according to His power that is at work within us….”
This does not mean it will be an easy path, but it will be a path of fulfillment, victory and advancement of His Kingdom upon the earth. It will be a path where we interact with the heavenly realm. Cornerstone, we are embarking the junction of our corporate and individual destinies. I do not know the exact timing nor the exact destiny that the Father has for us, but I do know that what we are about to enter is that which is unknown to many in His body. We have been willing to step onto the ancient paths that were reserved for this end-time generation and God has seen our “yes”.
“I am convinced that any suffering we endure is less than nothing compared to the magnitude of glory that is about to be unveiled within us.” Romans 8:18 TPT