Over the past few years, Dr Bruce Allen and his dear wife Reshma has become dear friends of ours at Cornerstone. I am convinced that Bruce received Neville Johnson’s mantle upon Neville’s passing a couple of years ago. His instruction and teaching on the “Glory Realm” is paramount for the church in this next season. Bruce has agreed to be a voice that speaks into the life of Cornerstone going forward. We are extremely honored and are blessed of the Lord for such a privilege.
The following is an article that Bruce sent me concerning what’s about to happen in the global church. We will be featuring this for the next few weeks. Please prayerfully consider how to position yourself to receive all the Lord has to offer us during this time.
Isaiah 43:19 (ESV)
“Behold, I am doing a new thing;
now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?
I will make a way in the wilderness
and rivers in the desert.”“The structure of the church is about to be destroyed on the shoals of the new thing.” — Dr. Bruce Allen
“There is a separation taking place within the church. An unveiling of darkness; an unmasking of falsehood; a revealing of that which is repugnant to God. And it’s going to shock not only the people in those churches — it’s going to shock the world,” according to Dr. Bruce Allen, of Still Waters International Missions, speaking at the Christian Missionary Fellowship International Prophetic Conference, held in July 2021.
“It’s not going to be about what you say any more; it’s about who you are.” Allen mentioned the church’s prioritizing the “need to avoid offending anyone” as another area that needs reform.
He emphasized the importance of each Christian’s coming to know God. “Since we are created in the image of God, the better we know Him, the better we will know ourselves.” He spoke of the transformative work of the Christ [or Holy Spirit] within us.
Allen emphasized the importance of doing only what the Lord directs us to do. He urged pastors to stop declining to address controversial subjects because of their focus on attendance and revenues, and on their desire to safeguard their 501(C)3 status. He spoke of the longstanding tendency of many pastors to function as church CEOs.
“Board-run churches are from the devil,” he remarked. “A board’s dictating what the pastor could speak about and do,” for example. Related, he discussed what he called “the doctrine of denominations.”
Confirming this word about big changes coming to denominations, or to denominationalism itself, from Allen, Canadian prophet Barry Wunsch was interviewed by Steve Shultz of ElijahStreams on July 22, and the interview was uploaded live to YouTube. Wunsch reported that the Lord had told him that He would “shake apart” major denominational boards that have had authority over millions of people.
“For it is time for judgment to begin with the household of God; and [if] it begins with us first, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God?” (1 Peter 4:17)
Allen pointed out that churches ideally would be equipping centers. That the model of the church taking salvation out to their community, nation, and world needs to replace the longstanding one that calls for people to go to church to receive salvation and other benefits. To be spectators.
“God’s raising up the ekklesia — and even the gates of hell will not be able to prevail against it,” Allen observed. “The structure of the church is about to be destroyed on the shoals of the new thing.”
He characterized this destruction as that of the “Babylonian system” that has dominated the Lord’s church. Allen emphasized the importance of walking in the character of Christ as being essential to this transformation. “No longer will we be shackled by religion,” he explained.
He foretold the destruction of the religious system as we’ve known it. Hearing from God and the gospel are the focus of the new church, he said. “Church as usual is over.” Allen spoke of the many churches that have closed over the last year [in part because of covid]. “What God builds survives,” he explained.
“We’re coming into a season of absolute upheaval and chaos, but we have the victory in Christ,” Allen said.
He indicated that he has sensed the heart of “the Father” and what He wants to do and release. “This is the beginning of the Great Awakening. . . . It’s the most glorious of times, because the King in His glory is going to be evident [in] those who are passionate for Him in this hour. . . . It’s not about the laying-on of hands — it’s about the release of the rhema [pronounced: “RAY ma,” meaning a direct revelation].”
Allen spoke of the nations that have never heard the gospel of the kingdom. He said that we will see nations “birthed in a day into the kingdom” of God.
Pastor Joe Sweet, of Shekinah Worship Center in Lancaster, California, agrees.
“This is the most exciting time to be alive,” he observed recently. He spoke of “a global move of God. Pretty soon, the whole world is going to be aflame,” he told congregants and an online audience in a prayer-meeting commentary on July 23.
“We’re right at the cusp of something. Every believer — this is the time to have our waists girded and our lamps burning.
“I had an encounter in 2011; I saw the final move of God that will come on the earth. We’re going to see God’s power breaking out on earth.” Sweet said that “like popcorn [as it pops],” the revival “will break out in little bits here and there across the world.”
He spoke of a friend’s ministry that recently has seen many salvations and miracles as being a case in point. Sweet believes the report of another pastor whom he considers to be reliable, John Fenn, of northeast Oklahoma, that the Lord has told him that covid was the first “birth pang” of which He spoke in Scripture, and the irregular 2020 presidential election was the second. These birth pangs are part of “the beginning of sorrows” associated with a time that Scripture often describes with the phrase “in that day,” a reference to the last days of the world as we have known it.
Sweet prioritizes allowing the Holy Spirit to guide Shekinah Worship Center’s services, rather than adhering to a rigid order-of-service format. The Sunday prayer, worship, and sermon time typically extends well over two hours.
Christian prophet from India Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj spoke this July at a conference in North Carolina about the “great outpouring” that lies ahead. He urged conference attendees and an online audience to be participants — rather than spectators in this time of revival.
At a conference meeting on July 24, Selvaraj said that he was hearing in that moment from “the chief prince angel of North Carolina” that God has appointed revival for that area. The prophetic evangelist further reported, on a different topic, that this angel warned that the situation that occurred with the 2020 national election could occur in North Carolina as well, if the citizens of the state are not vigilant.
In the final session on July 25, Selvaraj emphasized that prayer, including even sustained intercessory prayer, must become the priority of the new church in the US.
Dutch Sheets is the leader and namesake of Dutch Sheets Ministries, “an apostolic, prophetic and teaching ministry that is used to empower Christians throughout America and the world,” according to his ministry’s website. “At Dutch Sheets Ministries, our primary desire is to empower believers for a Third Great Awakening,” DSM’s Mission Statement concludes.
Sheets has pastored, among other ministerial roles, and now focuses on teaching through books that he has authored, CDs / DVDs, an app, and conference and seminar appearances, among others.
Sheets doesn’t shrink from tough topics. In his popular Give Him 15 weekday uploads to YouTube for July 21 through 23, he discussed The Antichrist Agenda, based on a paper that was written by his brother, Pastor Tim Sheets, and authored two posts on Exposing the Source of Evil in America.
In Tim’s discussion of The Antichrist Agenda, he wrote that we must “earnestly contend for the Christian faith.”
“God is calling the ekklesia to battle for principle, to vocalize truth, and to fight for ‘God-facts,’” he added. Tim wrote of the “demonic religion” of humanism, which he said has influenced our entire culture, taken root in much of our government, and which he describes as “seeking to destroy several of our nation’s foundations.”
Tim said that humanism both preaches doctrine and practices evangelism strategies, explaining his description of it as a religion. Nominal churches, those that are not securely anchored in Christian foundations, “are embracing this heretical doctrine,” according to Tim.
“Proverbs 21:16 tells us there are congregations of the [spiritually] dead; lifeless institutions that embrace and teach the antithesis of God’s Word,” he wrote. Tim urges readers to understand and confront this trend, and to welcome people who have left liberal or “pretend” churches.
“I believe this exodus is now beginning because of their hunger for truth and God’s presence. The real church must now rise up and speak the truth more loudly than what 1 Timothy 4:1 calls demonic doctrine. We must do so boldly, without compromising the Word of God for any law, leader, or liberal idea,” Tim wrote.
He called on parents to become active against the university culture that sets up humanist professors as priests of the dark religion that transforms children from families of faith into communists and atheists.
“We are the Great Shepherd’s sheep, but we are also King Jesus’ lions,” Tim said, in calling for pushback against these dark cultural trends and efforts to bring this nation down from within.