Last week, we had Part 1 of an article sent to me by Dr Bruce Allen, “The structure of the church is about to be destroyed on the shoals of the new thing.” — Dr. Bruce Allen

 This week includes the 2nd and last part of the article. Please read it prayerfully and respond to the Lord as He leads you. God Bless!!

 “Tim said that humanism both preaches doctrine and practices evangelism strategies, explaining his description of it as a religion. Nominal churches, those that are not securely anchored in Christian foundations, “are embracing this heretical doctrine,” according to Tim.

 Proverbs 21:16 (ESV) “One who wanders from the way of good sense will rest in the assembly of the dead.”

This verse tells us there are congregations of the [spiritually] dead; lifeless institutions that embrace and teach the antithesis of God’s Word,” he wrote. Tim urges readers to understand and confront this trend, and to welcome people who have left liberal or “pretend” churches.

 “I believe this exodus is now beginning because of their hunger for truth and God’s presence. The real church must now rise up and speak the truth more loudly than what 1 Timothy 4:1 calls demonic doctrine. We must do so boldly, without compromising the Word of God for any law, leader, or liberal idea,” Tim wrote. 

1 Timothy 4:1 (ESV) “Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons,”

 He called on parents to become active against the university culture that sets up humanist professors as priests of the dark religion that transforms children from families of faith into communists and atheists.

 “We are the Great Shepherd’s sheep, but we are also King Jesus’ lions,” Tim said, in calling for pushback against these dark cultural trends and efforts to bring this nation down from within.

 He points out that “separation of church and state,” which apparently is a favorite Marxist talking point, is not in the Constitution. The First Amendment was intended to protect the church from government — not the other way around.

 Tim discussed the disinformation campaign that is central to leftism / Marxism / Maoism and the effort to remove America’s faith foundation.

 “Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., said, ‘Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter,’” he emphasized. Tim strongly encourages the church to stand up and speak out. He reminds us that Matthew 18:18 extends our Lord’s authorization for us to bind and loose, promising that whatever we bind or loose on earth “shall have been” bound or loosed in heaven.

 The transcript of Dutch Sheets’ Give Him 15 upload to YouTube for July 22, 2021, is the first of two on the weighty topic The Exposure of the Source of Evil in America. Why has this weighty topic come up in a discussion of the awakening church? Because the way that history is unfolding, they are intrinsically linked.

 Dutch tells of a dark passage in his life, in 2007. He found it to be increasingly difficult to think clearly, and he had a difficult time sleeping. He turned to a friend with prophetic gifting, Chuck Pierce. Sheets’s question was the obvious one — whether Pierce had any “prophetic discernment” of what the difficult experience that he was going through might be about.

 To his astonishment, Pierce didn’t miss a beat. “Yes. This has to do with your calling to the nation. It is the spirit of Baal. He is the spirit / principality over America. God wants you to learn about this spirit — how it operates, how we can overthrow him — and teach the rest of us,” he replied.

 Sheets reported that he understood, from Daniel and other books of Scripture, that there are regions in satan’s kingdom that are principalities, corresponding to specific regions on earth. But Sheets wrote that prior to that time, he had no idea that the ancient spirit of Baal was ruling America now. Much less that his personal experiences had anything to do with this. He came to understand from Pierce’s revelation that, like Moses long ago on behalf of the Israelites, he was in a position to intercede on behalf of the US.

 Sheets wrote that he was confident that we have been given the spiritual authority to resist demonic strongholds that come against us personally. However, “What I was experiencing and feeling was actually warfare toward America. This began a process of breaking Baal’s influence off of America, a process that God is now taking to its next phase,” he explained.

 National sins like the loss of innocent blood, broken covenants, idolatry, among others, result in legal right being given to dark principalities in the spirit realm to affect a nation. We unwittingly literally “give place to” the devil, according to Sheets. Sin opens the door for satan to steal, kill, and destroy.

 Sheets wrote that Baal was known as the “master of the demons.” “Beelzebub” was another name for him. The demonic entity or “god” Molech often is associated with abortion, because long ago his followers carried out child sacrifice. But Sheets points out that it is Baal who always goes after the next generation. His goal has always been to work against God’s covenanted purpose.

 “Not only is abortion under Baal’s influence, he is also behind the ‘cutting’ of today’s generation (see 1 Kings 18:28), the vampire and goth movement, and the death culture in general that has so invaded America,” Sheets wrote.

1 Kings 18:28 (ESV) “And they cried aloud and cut themselves after their custom with swords and lances, until the blood gushed out upon them.”

 Among other purported virtues, Baal was seen as the provider and the source of material abundance. His symbol was a bull — yes, like Wall Street’s bull. Sheets perceives that God is bringing us into another opportunity to divorce from Baal’s hold on us and renew our covenant with Him.

 From Sheets’s second upload on the topic Exposure of the Source of Evil in America, we begin at the Red Sea. In discussing Exodus, it helps to understand that the Egyptian “gods” were not merely fictional; they were demons, according to Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj. Baal, among his other perceived virtues and powers, was considered to be the god of the sea, according to Sheets. 

 In the ten plagues that God had used to force Pharaoh to release the Israelites, He [God] had systematically defeated various false / demonic gods in whom the Egyptians had long believed. He then worked through Moses to lead the Israelites to the exact place along the Red Sea where Baal had been worshipped, Sheets wrote. 

 When Israel seemed to be trapped between the Red Sea and the fast-approaching Egyptian army, Pharaoh assumed that Baal, who was considered the god of the sea, wind, etc., would enable Egypt’s “greatest army in the world” at that time to prevail. However, as we know, Yahweh or the God of Israel revealed that day who the God of the wind and sea truly is.

 Sheets provided other stories and much detail, but the skinny is as follows.

“Another battle; the same war. Holy Spirit … wanted to confirm to me that, just as several prophets have said, He is currently doing more than simply saving America; He is exposing and judging His enemies, just as He did Pharaoh and Baal.”

 In the longer discussion, Sheets mentioned that Molech and Jezebel are two demons who serve under Baal. Jezebel is associated with sexual aberrance.

In his recent talk at Tim’s church, Dutch said the time has come for the Christian sheep who “know their master’s voice and will not obey another” to stand up as lions [following in the footsteps of the Lord, the “Lion of (the tribe of) Judah”] and “release the roar.” In the opening lines of the paragraph below, he speaks of Baal and the lesser entities who serve him.

 Watch and see what God does to the plans of those aligned with this spirit. He [God] will crush His opposition. Watch the demonstration of His mighty strength and how He reveals the foolishness of His ‘enemies wisdom’! The coming outpouring of His Holy Spirit will shatter decades of satan’s planning. His [God’s] wind will blow and the sea will part. Pharaoh’s chariot wheels will come off, and God will be honored, just as He was in Exodus.

 “Do not doubt this,” Sheets concluded. “It is coming … and WILL NOT BE STOPPED.”

I believe we are entering into the most glorious days of the church, the “real” church, the remnant. I close with one of the final invitations given by the Apostle John in the “Book of Revelation”

Revelation 22:17 (ESV) “The Spirit and the Bride say, “Come.” And let the one who hears say, “Come.” And let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who desires take the water of life without price.”
