The following is a “call to action” that our dear friend and intercessor, Cheryl McCall received towards the end of 2022. Both she and Karen Austin have spent many hours praying for Cornerstone especially during the last few years dealing with the “plan-demic” and crisis that we faced at the church. I wanted to preface what she wrote with Ezekiel 22:30 since it’s this verse that she is referring too. Ezekiel 22:30 (ESV)
“And I sought for a man among them who should build up the wall and stand in the breach before me for the land, that I should not destroy it, but I found none.”
Many fellow Christians seem to be walking in a place of concern and disappointment since the elections and economic challenges, asking the Lord to show us what is happening in our nation, state and cities. We understand the Word says darkness will cover the earth and deep darkness the people; But the LORD will arise over you, And His Glory will rest on you (Isaiah 60: 2). This truth sets us all up for an incredible encounter with the light or Glory and love of our Lord Jesus Christ. As I have been pondering this over the last several months, I felt the Lord was asking me the same question that he proposed to Abraham about the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. In the Genesis account; God reveals to Abrahamthat Sodom and Gomorrah will receive judgment for their grave sins (Gen.18:20 Gen.).
Abraham pleads for the lives of any righteous people living there, especially the lives of his nephew, Lot, and his family. Abraham seems to negotiate with God on behalf of the righteous in the two cities. God first agrees to spare the cities if 50 righteous people can be found and eventually agrees to limit if ten believers stand up and pray to save the cities and all their inhabitants. (Gen.18:23–32) Unfortunately, Abraham was unable to find ten people. Jesus cites this same situation in the nation and refers to Sodom and Gomorrah in Matt.10:15. Today, the same sin condition exists, and Jesus is still looking for those who will stand in the gap for their city, their state, and America. Currently, we have 50 000 + people living in Harrisburg and 12.9 million in Pennsylvania. Can the Father find 50 committed to prayer?
Even though this account was thousands of years ago, the picture painted in these scriptures is very familiar as we look around and see what is happening in our cities, Pennsylvania, and our nation. As I pondered this portion of scripture, the Lord challenged me to see if I could find dedicated believers who would join and stand in the Gap and pray for our cities, state, and nation starting in January up to and including through Passover week. We need to seek the Father, identify what He has in his heart as a blueprint strategy to intervene in our city, state, and nation, to awaken the Church and the government, which will set the stage to usher in His Glory and introduce the Kingdom Era.
I said YES to the Holy Spirit prompting and am asking you to consider this call to pray. I am proposing we pray for a minimum of an hour in the afternoon on the same day and time of the week. This prayer can be together in person in my home, or we could gather via Zoom. Prayer will begin on Monday from 2:30 pm -3:30 pm, starting on January 9th.If you live in another area of the state and your group wants to participate, please email me and let me know because we will have a combined meeting mid-way and then at end at Passover for the different regions to share how the Lord is speaking. Please feel free to share this note with your prayer warriors because I know of many groups pressing on to see the Lord move mighty. and usher in the Kingdom.
I invite you to join me in this challenge to pray. Please email me if you are interested in joining this several weeks pray initiative and let me know if you prefer in person or using Zoom to accomplish what's on the Father's Heart. We will target the January installation of newly elected officials locally, city and state and other issues before Passover week. Let us fulfill Joel 2:10 say, "The earth will shake, and the heavens will tremble when we pray." Let us stand in gap and declare this verse over our cities, states, and nation. God bless you richly, as join on this special gathering of prayer.
May it be so, Lord Jesus! Thank you, Cheryl!