This is the time that will mark the beginning of making straight the way for the soon restoration of all things. Seismic activities. Creation groaning. Even mankind groaning...all awaiting the manifestation of the sons of God. This revealing of Jesus upon these mature sons will prepare the way for soon coming of the Lord.
satan's structures and his grasp upon certain mountains (religion, family, education, government, media, arts & entertainment, business) shall lose their grip. Their control shall be stripped away. The evil ones who thought they were invincible, who were gods in their own eyes shall topple over in destruction. You watched as they toppled monuments of those who formed your nation. Little did they know the monuments they attempted to build shall become nothing but ash. My strong right arm is about to come down upon all that stands in the way of My plan.
For these are the days of My glory rising upon My Bride. Those whom I have been preparing in the secret place shall truly arise and shine. But My people must understand that destruction must take place before the construction of what I am building. I will not bless that which is unholy and profane. I will have a pure spotless Bride prepared for My Son, as was spoken in My Word.
So do not focus on the destruction, but instead prepare for the construction. The days of man's ways of building My house are over. Did I not give clear instruction as to how to build that which was to be dedicated to Me. Remember Moses. Remember David and Solomon. I say I shall build My house and the house that I build, the gates of hell shall not prevail against it! Oh, it shall not only be a house of glory, but a house of power, a house of salvation, a house of healing, a holy house that fears the Lord.
The groundwork of preparation is almost complete for I have been forming many in the secret place who now know My heart. My people first had to be prepared in order to build the house as I instruct. These ones have eyes for only Me and move at My whisper for they know My voice and the voice of the stranger they do not follow. {John 10:5]
Just as David had his mighty men who conquered kingdoms, so shall it be in this time with My mighty men and women. These are ones who have laid down their will and their own mantles of identity. But I shall mantle these ones as My representatives, My spokesmen upon the earth. Once again the oracles of God shall come forth from their mouth and it shall be as the sword of My Word which shall slay, destroy and cut down the plots, plans and deceptions of My enemies. When you see these mature sons operating in such authority, you will then understand why the stripping away of all that was not of Me and not of My character was necessary. These ones will not even look back at all they laid down in order to pick up My call and My cause. It will be as Paul said, they will count it all as dung compared to the riches of My glory I shall reveal in them and through them. [Philippians 3:8]
So I say to you today My people, look up for your redemption draws near. The day of His appearing is soon upon you. In the expanse of eternity time, it is as it were a breath away. For this light affliction that man has endured shall not compare to the glory that will be seen upon those who have persevered and overcome.
Romans 8:18, 19 "I consider that our present sufferings are not comparable to the glory that will be revealed in us. For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God."